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Step Up 2 the Streets


IMDB comment
„Step Up 2 the streets” is a movie that is for a fun, „no-thinking” outing. The sequel to the popular „Step Up” was obviously not as good as the first (sequels and prequels never really are) but it was a fun film to watch.

There was a few good comedic scenes, and the street dancing really was incredible, especially at the end of the movie. This kind of movie is obviously going to be a little bit predictable and cheesy, but still- it’s fun to see with some friends on a Saturday night.

Also, the soundtrack really helped improve the movie; there were many excellent, cool songs playing throughout the film, such as „The Way I are” by Timbaland and „Low” by Flo-rida ft. T-Pain.

If you give it a chance, you may enjoy it. It depends on whether or not you enjoy feel-good, funny dance movies. If not, then don’t go see it! The final verdict: Step Up 2 is a moderately fun film.

IMDB Rating

Commentul nostru
Mai multe decat ce e scris sus … nu cred ca am ce sa spun. Dupa ce veti vedea filmul va veti da seama singuri ca a fost mai bun primul :P.

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Intr-o seara nu aveam ce face … ma plictisisem de facut site-uri, de jucat wow, counter si m-am horat sa fac un blog. Vazusem cu cateva zile inainte un fel de blog despre filme si asa am gasit subiecul principal de discutie pe acest blog „Filmele”.

Acum se pare ca vine si a doua intrebare, si aceasta e „De ce sa citim ceva de pe acest blog ?„. Raspunsul este foarte simplu: Aici veti gasi toate noutatile in materie de filme. Nu facem piraterie, va dam linkuri de unde puteti sa le luati, va dam ratingurile de la IMDB o scurta poveste despre el, trailerul oficial al filmului si parerea noastra personala despre filmul respectiv. Asteptam cu multa nerabdare comenturile voastre legate de anumite filme pe care le-ati vazut. Succes la vazut filme ;).


P.S. As avea o rugaminte la voi, cititorii acestui blog: Daca nu vreti sa puneti numele real cand dati un coment va rog macar sa puneti un nick decent si sa nu injurati.